Compiling on Linux/Unix 1. Install Git and make from your distributions package manager 2. Get the sources by typing these to your command line: git clone mvdsv git clone ktx git clone qtv git clone qwfwd 3. Compile stuff: - MVDSV: cd into mvdsv/build/make type ./configure type make see if there is an executable named mvdsv in the same directory - KTX: cd into ktx type ./configure type make dl (or make dl32 if you have compile problems on 64bit system) a file named should have appeared into KTX's source directory - QTV: cd into qtv type make if there is a file named qtv.bin in the directory you just changed to the compile was successfull - QWFWD: cd into qwfwd type ./configure type make the appearance of qwfwd.bin in the same directory proves successfull compile EOF