Loc. | Description | Address | Map | Misc | Players | Mod | Type |
pl |
GamingCenter.eu.org - [CTF] TrueCombat 1.3 | | tc_tc | 6/12 | CA |
Players: (6/12)
Player | Frags | Ping |
[Bot]Bitch | 18 | 0 |
[Bot]Acrid- | 17 | 0 |
[Bot]Bossman | 14 | 0 |
[Bot]Bossman | 5 | 0 |
[Bot]Coroner | 5 | 0 |
[Bot]Bitch | 2 | 0 |
Rule | Value |
OS | Linux Debian |
Players_Blue | 0 2 4 |
Players_Red | 1 3 5 |
admin | n00b |
bot_minplayers | 3 |
build | TC 1.0a |
capturelimit | 5 |
com_gamename | Quake3Arena |
com_protocol | 71 |
dmflags | 0 |
g_TeamBlue | Beta |
g_TeamRed | Alpha |
g_autoreload | 0 |
g_enableBreath | 0 |
g_forcefollow | 1 |
g_gametype | 5 |
g_humanplayers | 0 |
g_maxgameclie... | 10 |
g_maxlives | 0 |
g_modms | 0 |
g_nametags | 2 |
g_nametagsDist | 14 |
g_needpass | 0 |
g_nospecchat | 1 |
g_nospectalk | 0 |
g_roundSwapte... | 0 |
g_roundfragli... | 0 |
g_rounds | 0 |
g_roundtimeli... | 15 |
g_spawnpro | 5 |
g_swapteam | 0 |
game | truecombat |
gamename | Quake3Arena |
gametype | 5 |
location | Poland |
m_scriptCapli... | 0 |
m_scriptFragl... | 0 |
m_scriptLives | 0 |
m_scriptRounds | 5 |
m_scriptTimel... | 0 |
protocol | 68 |
pure | 1 |
sv_allowDownl... | 1 |
sv_dlRate | 100 |
sv_floodProte... | 0 |
sv_hostname | GamingCenter.eu.org - [CT... |
sv_maxPing | 0 |
sv_maxRate | 10000 |
sv_minPing | 0 |
sv_minRate | 0 |
sv_privateCli... | 0 |
timelimit | 15 |
version | ioq3 1.36 linux-x86_64 Fe... |
voip | opus |
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